
Baptism? Christening? Which is it?! 
The word "baptism" means to cover with water: a symbol of life, newness and freedom. The word "Christen" means to anoint with oil: a symbol that God has equipped you for what God has in mind to do with you! Use both words or either, that's fine. 

Babies and Young Children
A Christening is a first step on a journey of faith, if you live in the parish and would like to get your child Christened please get in touch with Keith on 01623 628067 or on Sunday morning at Church. 

Christening and Baptism normally take place during our 9:30 Sunday morning worship. However, we understand that you may have family and friends travelling along way and also offer 11:15 on 3rd Sunday of the month and invite immediate family back the following Sunday to be welcomed at the main service and receive the candle and baptism certificate. 

Baptism is a free gift from God - there's no charge from us!

If you would like to be baptised as an adult we ask you to get involved with Church first and to take a short course. However, it's not about getting all the answers right: it's all about 'living the big questions together'.  

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